

Reminder! You can easily send a message to @dvmsattend with your child’s full name and the reason for their absence. Of course, if you prefer, you can still give us a call. 
Students may wear their purchased shirt and/or bow every Thursday of October!


STEPS: 1. Create an account 
             2. Add classes using the class codes below
DVMS Announcements
Code: dvdragons
DVMS Lunch
Code: lunchdvms
DVMS Attendance
Code: dvmsattend
Ms. Sevanna - STEM 
6th grade: dvms6stem
7th grade: dvms7stem
8th grade: dvms8stem
Ms. Curiel - Social Studies    
6th grade: 6curiel
8th grade: 8curiel
Homeroom: 6cdragons 
Ms. Zarate & Ms. Rankin - Resource: resourcezr
Ms. Zarate's Homeroom: zarateh
Mr. Warren - P.E                                     
6th grade: 6236cggc                         
7th grade: k6cfg6                         
8th grade: k8cf3d
Mrs. Eckert - ELA                   
6th grade: eckert6th                                    
7th grade:  eckert7th                                               8th grade: eckert8th
Homeroom: eckerthome
Sport Teams
Will be posted once season starts. 
Ms. Pennington - Social Studies 
7th grade: sspenn7
8th grade: sspenn8 
Homeroom: hrpenn
Mrs. Stogner - ELA 
6th grade:  elastog6
7th grade: elastog7
8th grade:  elastog8
Homeroom: hrstog11
Ms. Bolsen - Science 
6.1: dvmssci71
6.2: dvmssci62
6.3: dvmssci63
Homeroom: dvmshr7
Ms. Gresser - Science
7th grade: b9h86a
8th grade: dkfcha6
Homeroom: room5hom                        
Ms. Abaja - Math
6th grade: g29c79a                                
7th grade: 9b9kh8
Homeroom: 39ghe83
Mr. Butcher - Math
7th grade: a83b687
8th grade: 6kaa4ed
Homeroom: ckad82